For Charlie's 2nd birthday we went with a Very Hungry Caterpillar theme. He loves the book, and Pinterest was littered with a host of adorable and ridiculously time-consuming decorating ideas, so I rolled with it. Think caterpillar-themed water bottle wrappers and a banner cut out of a million pieces of cardstock. 'Cause that's what every two year old wants at his birthday party, right?

Since we have no friends in this town (a dramatic statement, but true nonetheless), our families arrived with smiles on their faces and presents in tow to cheer on our little guy as he turned two.

Cousins & Besties

Digging into the cake...

Hey, is that Martha Stewart? Why no, it's our very own Aunt Cici, showing off her mad skillz as a pillowcase seamstress extraordinaire. And with a winning smile to boot!

My pitiful attempt at copying something from Pinterest. A balloon caterpillar, which I would like you to know looked positively awesome until Greg tried to string it from the ceiling. I was really mad at him for ruining my bold attempt at craftiness and had to take several deep breaths after he announced in no uncertain terms that this was "as good as it gets" and I was going to need to accept it and move on. Everyone humored me and insisted that they totally knew it was a caterpillar as soon as they walked in. Pretty little liars.

Uncle Stevie and Chilly watch the kids swim.

Time for presents, and quality time with his beloved Pop.

Cousins make the best friends, if you're lucky enough to have cousins like we do...
Fun was had by all, and I don't want to see another green ribbon, pipecleaner, or piece of red cardstock for at least ten or eleven months.
Happy Birthday Chilly! You are one cool cat, and we love you lots.
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