Here are a few facts for your early Sunday morning:
1) The first week of February, 2015 is already over and I haven't blogged once since telling the tale of a batch of peanut butter blossoms back in the middle of December.
2) There is more than a foot of snow on our deck and the ground has been white since sometime in the middle of December.
3) Greg hit the two year mark in his employment here in Rochester. Hard to believe. In certain respects it feels as if the time has flown. In many others, it feels as if our family is still sitting at square one here, waiting for some semblance of our old life to begin.
4) Spring is exactly forty days away, and with it, the promise of new beginnings. I sit inside, looking out on the quiet world, with a hopeful, expectant heart.
burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the
Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the
Romans 12:12, The Message
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