Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sharing the Love

We celebrated Valentine's day with sweet friends from church this year. It was joyful chaos.

Our long line of mailboxes:

Tiny little preschoolers delivering valentines. The word "adorable" doesn't even come close.

This is what happens when 15 kids try to give one valentine to each of their friends... a beautiful mess:

Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays. Scoffers call it the "Hallmark" holiday, and that may be true. But when I became a mom, I fell in love with the sweetness of it all. I love the handmade mailboxes and the little paper valentines with their names scrawled across, half the letters backward. I love making construction paper garlands and icing three dozen sugar cookies. I love celebrating a day that is important to them, and reminding them that they are important to me.

"I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved."
-George Eliot


  1. I love the mailbox idea! Did you come up with that on your own?

    1. Hey Anna!!!
      No, can't take credit for it... we always used to do that when we were little, didn't you? All the kids made them before they came and left with them stuffed full of goodies :-). Miss your family! Tell your sweet Mom I said hello!
