It seems like it was more like Valentine's Week than Valentine's Day this year. Between little parties and exchanges with friends and clubs and co-op classmates, we were rocking the love every day last week. It was fun. It was exhausting. My kids have eaten more cookies, cupcakes, and stale tootsie rolls than I care to admit. Charlie added several new words to his limited vocabulary last week, and all of them would make a dentist shudder.
On Valentine's morning, the kids woke up to treats at their breakfast places. I love surprising them like this. They're always so sweet and excited.
Last year I hosted a ginormous party at my house, but with everything going on with the impending move, I bailed on that this year and my friends and I came up with an awesome solution. We spent the morning at a fun indoor playground, ate pizza and sweets, and exchanged Valentines in elaborately decorated shoeboxes and plastic buckets. Except for the time Charlie walked up the skeeball ramp and got stuck in the circles where you throw the balls (and in other news, I have been nominated for Mother of the Year), we all actually got to sit and talk while the kids ran around like lunatics. It was so much fun. I love my girls :-). Man, I'm gonna miss them.
ps... All I have to show for the day is blurry iphone snaps of wild children with their mouths full of pizza. Please add the next four pictures as exhibits A, B, C, and D for by nomination of Mother of the Year.
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