Friday, March 4, 2011

Field Trip Friday: The Museum of Natural History

We spent Friday with some special homeschool friends exploring the Museum of Natural History again. It was our best trip yet! With the help of the Bozeks we discovered several exhibits we hadn't seen yet, and the kids loved them. We especially loved the Indian and Eskimo exhibits - there we several hands-on elements that the kids could explore, and Chloe in particular came away from the day with a fascination for Eskimos. The next morning she climbed into my bed and started chatting, full of questions (which of course, I couldn't answer!) about Eskimos and how they lived. Needless to say, we're heading to the library this week to stock up on some books! This trip really seemed to open up her curiosity. As she and her friend were skipping through the dinosaur exhibit I heard her say, "C'mon Meghan, let's imagine we're paleontologists!"

I told Greg that I wish we could go back without the kids some afternoon... the amount of fascinating information to see and take in in that building is unreal. The architecture alone is enough to just wander around and stare at - they don't make buildings like they used to!

Here are some highlights from our trip:

We got up close and personal with some great beasts:

Created dinosaur stories together:

Explored the way Eskimos lived and survived:

Learned what American Indian villages looked like...

... and how they prepared their food:

Explored the woods...

read a few books...

and pieced together the skeleton of the great T Rex.

Great fun, great learning, great fellowship with friends. A day well spent!

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