This week has been full of bittersweet moments... Lots of special time spent with special people. I didn't have my camera in tow for every sweet moment, but I managed to get a few pictures...
Chloe had one last playdate at our house with her besties. These girls are her dearest friends. Their moms are my dearest friends. They have been at each other's birthdays, first and last day of school parties, and holiday celebrations for as long as we've had them. They've been in and out of countless princess dresses as they've twirled and giggled around each others' homes. They've held each others' brand new baby brothers and sisters. I refuse to be sad that we're leaving them, because the fact is, we've got a tie that will bind our hearts and lives forever. I am convinced each one of these girls will be dancing at Chloe's wedding someday. We love them dearly, and will be friends with them forever.
On Sunday night we had our dear friends the Reaochs over for dinner. Ben is the pastor of our church, and Stacy was the person God used to bring us there in the first place. We have loved getting to know them better over the past year and a half, and they have been amazing encouragers and prayer warriors for us in the past few months. We are so grateful for them and their sweet family.
Yesterday we spent at the park with a handful of our closest friends. We love them all, and can't wait for them to come and visit us in Rochester!
Last night I went out with some dear friends from my old church. We have shared laughter, tears, and awesome testimonies over the last seven years. I am so grateful for each on of these girls.
I will remember you.
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by...
Weep not for the memories.
-Sarah McLaughlin
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